I direct and produce -fashion films, short films, music videos, and commercials... Basically I just like to make pretty things that tell stories.
Director: Weslee Kate Cinematographer/DP: Dave Feusse https://www.thecolourcoast.com/ http://instagram.com/thecolourcoast @thecolourcoast
Written, directed, produced & co-edited by: Weslee Kate Creative Filmed & co-edited by: David Feusse Starring: Kallie Kaiser Voice over: Aleque Reid Calvert Makeup: Britt Kaye Styling: Ashley Goeken Photo: Ashley Syren Including items from Goekenland, Poppychain Designs, and Bootay Bag. Made as a compliment to the "Sincerely Alice" editorial in Baltisoul's 1st Issue "Young+Wild".
Produced by: Weslee Kate @wesleekatecreative
Directed by: Joshua Shultz
Read the whole story for "Always Artist" in Baltisoul's first issue "Young+Wild". Available as print & digital issue here: https://baltisoul.net/shop/?category=... Written and Directed by Weslee Kate Starring Natalie Biehl Shot by David Feusse Hair by Ariana Barbara Whibley editing: Weslee Kate Color and effects: David Feusse Voice over Marley Otto @marleyetoile Push Me by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Attribution License ( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Videographer: David Feusse @davey_creative / Photographer: Ashley Syren @ashleyseryn Model: Kallie Kaiser @kalliekaiser MUA: Britt Kaye @britt.kaye Hair: Alex Henrichs @alexheinrichs Stylist: Ashley Goeken @ashleygoeken director + writerr:Weslee Kate @wesleekatecreative Underwear by Bootaybag @bootaybag_ Jewelry by Poppychaindesign @poppychaindesigns voice over- Aleque reid calvert song: Chopin-Nocturne No. 2 in E flat major, Op.
The colour coast - Walls - directed by weslee kate
filmed by david feusse
Weslee Kate - First AD, Half day stand in secondary director.
Produced by - Weslee Kate Directed - filmed - edited by David Feusse
Behind the scene of Baltisouls editorial shoot Seraphim Sinners with Krissy for YOUNG+WILD.
Creative Direction, production, editing: Weslee Kate
Female Model: Weslee Kate
Male Model: Laurence G
Video: David Feusse
Photo: Krissy
HMUA: Jaclyn B
Styling: Haley Hancock
Clothing from: Fashion Forwards LA - maisonpriveepr showroom
SONG: 86'- Daniel Night
Model: Ariana Whibley @aribarbara
Directed by Weslee Kate
Weslee Kate Creative